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20 Elements of a Powerful Online Challenge

Hello, fellow online creator!

Interested in following my creator journey and learning alongside me?

I'm a busy therapist, online creator, and mom - so I don't have time to coach you step by step. But I do enjoy sharing what I'm learning as I go.

👆 Download my free guide to join my newsletter where you'll get random musings from me weekly or quarterly....depending on the season 😁

Hop into my Challenges that Convert Facebook group.

Enroll in my Rinse & Repeat Challenges Workshop to learn all about how I run powerful online challenge events....

What's this all about?

People have been very curious about how I run an online challenge 3-6 times a year, with no team, no Facebook group, and no daily live sessions...getting paid on the front end and the back end!

Sounds too good to be true?

After 14 rounds of my unique challenge launch, I decided it was time to spill the beans on how this works.

Because I think you can do it too...if you have the blueprint and you understand the core principles.

The Evolution of the

"Rinse and Repeat Challenge"

I first created a free 7-day challenge in September, 2019 as a kickoff into a new membership for decreasing stress for optimal fertility.

I knew nothing about how online challenges were run, so I created something completely different than the standard program that's common now.

I didn't use a Facebook Group and I didn't go live every day. In fact I didn't go live any day until the next week, to celebrate their wins and ask them if they'd like to do more of this with me in a membership. 10% of them said "Yes!"

The event was so transformational and inspiring that I ran it again a month later, but this time I charged for it.

It was much easier second time around because I just rinsed and repeated the content from the previous round.

This time 44% of the participants signed on for my membership!

Well, I've rinsed and repeated that same challenge every 2-3 months, making refinements along the way.

It's profitable all by itself, it makes it so easy to pitch the next offer, conversions continue to be solid, and gosh, it's really quite easy to run!

All told, I've run 19 rounds of my challenge launch over the last 4 years....while raising two young children who have been homeschooling with me since mid-2020.

Did I mention that I don't have a team? Sometimes I have helpers assisting me with reading comments throughout the challenge week so that I don't miss anything time-sensitive.

Over 1000 participants have been through my challenges and in fact, they even enjoy repeating them.

I feel it's wrong for me to hold this formula to myself while others are burning themselves out and driving themselves crazy wrestling with the Facebook algorithm, hoping people will see their posts.

Your messages and your teachings are too important to get shuffled to the bottom of the pile by an algorithm.

Workshop Overview

This workshop is designed to show you a new blueprint for challenges, break you out of the mold of what a challenge can look like, and get your creative wheels turning.

It was delivered live and is now available to watch on replay.

I'll help you brainstorm what you can teach in just 20-minutes a day that could be transformative to your ideal clients.

I'll show you simple strategies for keeping people engaged through to the end of your program without confusion about where to find your valuable guidance.

I'll explain the key factors that make a challenge experience really pop, so that you can use your creativity to design something unique and powerful.

Imagine filling your back end offers with people who get you and LOVE your style.

In this 90-minute workshop, I share the background, theory, and key components of a repeatable challenge launch.

I have also added bonus updates with behind-the-scenes processing of my launches since the delivery of the original workshop.

$37 USD

This is most suitable for you if you have clarified your niche, you have access to an audience interested in your offerings, and you are looking for a way to invite your audience to go deeper with your teachings...without burning yourself out with live launches.

Hi, I'm Natalie Masson.

I'm a rather shy, super outgoing introvert/extrovert who is brimming with inspiration and ideas - more than I can keep up with!

I'm a clinical psychologist with a psychotherapy practice and an online business supporting women on their fertility journey.

I'm also a tinkerer who loves figuring out systems and playing with numbers. Fun fact: Before I got a PhD in Clinical Psychology, I got a BS in Electrical Engineering. I have a hodgepodge of skills that probably make for endless entertainment for my friends watching me in action.

I've figured a few things out over the last 5 years of hacking away at this online biz thing, and I'm just so excited to share some of the creative ways I've set up my business to align with my core values of authenticity, integrity, and creativity.

LIfe's too short to be a copycat. I'd love to see you create really cool stuff that's as unique as your thumbprint.

I'd like to show you the principles that can allow you do to that. You may be surprised and delighted to discover what you are capable of creating!

Using social media to drive engagement is not necessary

While using a Facebook group is one way to drive engagement in an online challenge, it's also unpredictable and not really under your control.

Many people don't want to be on Facebook these days, and you can never be sure whether "the algorithm" will actually show your content to your participants.

Great news - you DON'T need Facebook go run an engaged Challenge event.

I've never used one. My engagement rates are excellent.

For real.

If you want to use a Facebook group as part of your challenge, you absolutely can take my program principles and apply them to a Facebook group. Your choice. 🎉

Fun Fact

27 out or 27 creators said they would rather prerecord content vs going live every day for a week!

No doubt, live engagement is invigorating for both participants and creators.

But day after day for 5-7 days can be energetically draining.

What if I told you that I only go live ONCE during my challenge launch, and I get 20-44% conversions into m back end offer.

And my live event is not a fancy webinar with a high pressured sales pitch.

It's just a casual and fun post-event celebration, to connect face to face, to highlight our wins and talk about next steps.

Leave the "sales pitching" tactics for the "marketing gurus."

My formula is for passionate creators who want to bond with their audience around getting awesome transformations and want to focus on teaching vs selling.

Can this work for others?

When I first rolled out this mini-workshop in December 2021, I had a strong hunch that this formula would work for others if I could teach them the underlying principles and let them run with the ball.

I knew it was working for me, but what about for other niches, for other creators?

Meet RIck Stone, who has been trying all different methods to grow his gardening membership for the past few years.

He attended my workshop and December and hit the ground running in January with his Seed Starting Challenge.

He ran his challenge in February and again a few weeks later....squeezing in another round before before the planting season starts.

👇 See what happened 👇