Fertility 101: How to Get Pregnant .... Cycle Charting & More

Learn to chart your cycles and dial in your fertility timing.

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This course is designed to help women learn how to track their reproductive cycle to learn ovulation timing, pregnancy indicators, signs of hormonal imbalances, and other information which can help those who are trying to conceive quickly.

You will learn an easy method of BBT (Basal Body Temperature) charting and simple, inexpensive ways to collect other data that will maximize your knowledge about your cycle. It doesn't have to be stressful, and you don't have to go broke doing it.

Most women grow up knowing very little about their reproductive cycle.I believe that knowledge is power, and the more we know, the more effectively we can move toward toward our goals.

However, many the common instructions for cycle charting can create stress and interfere with sleep. Because I believe that stress and sleep deprivation are counterproductive to TTC, I have explored ways to make cycle charting simple, easy, and absolutely not sleep depriving.

I'm sharing this approach I call "Laid Back Cycle Charting" to help other women learn how to get the most of this technique while staying calm, cool, collected....and well-rested.

This course is one of several components of my Conceive With Ease fertility coaching program.

Your Instructor

Natalie Masson, Ph.D.
Natalie Masson, Ph.D.

Throughout my career as a clinical psychologist, I have gravitated toward supporting people in overcoming anxiety, process trauma and finding overall ease. My greatest passion in psychology is understanding interactions between the mind and body. I have maintained a private psychotherapy practice for over 20 years. My own struggles with fertility in my mid-40s led me to specialize in helping others on this path find peace along their way and optimize their chances of manifesting their parenthood dreams. I currently offer online courses and programs for fertility, pregnancy and general wellness.

Contents Outline

  Module 2: Knowledge Base
Available in days
days after you enroll